
codleo consulting


Oct 04, 2023 12:38 PM

“Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league.” — Quote by Eliezer Yudkowsky

In 2023, we have superman like Artificial Intelligence systems, designed to make logical selections with pace, accuracy and efficiency. However, Artificial Intelligence’s modelling debars it from making decisions based on ethical dilemmas reveal salesforce partners

.AI and the machine learning operations on which it works on are dependent on the examples and limits established. Diverting from the narrow path in the real-world leads to big errors in judgement. We are all confronted by the following - are machines ready to manage ethical & moral dilemmas that plagues our world in the 21st century?

This year, AI is omnipresent say Salesforce partners. As a chatbot, it replies to consumers as their digital assistants. It replies to questions & provides information. It converses with clients when they have a service-related matter. It takes passengers to different places. It selects CVs for profiles to enable HR to conduct interviews with eligible candidates as part of the recruitment process. It manages newsfeeds and entertainment options. It registers faces and voices, finishes articles, paints, and composes music. The AI market is expected to reach $ 500 billion this year claim Salesforce partners, phew. And by 2030, AI is expected to add $ 15 trillion to the global economy. But as companies adopt AI on a large scale, it still creates doubts in our mind with regards to ethics and responsible usage.

Below are how companies can build an ethical structure for AI, as per salesforce partners:

  1. All employees must know, comprehend, and adhere to the ethical code of the firm, communicated as mantras or principles. It needs to be constantly reaffirmed by management through corporate communication. The ethical codes may not lead to responsible AI, but they are important as they form the framework in the larger picture.
  2. Bias in AI seep via different sources – such as data collection to the inner bias of the designer & analysis of the AI output. To lower if the removal of bias is tough, the company must provide training information that is representative of the focus audience & its requirement. This is important say salesforce partners.
  3. Pro-active human intervention is important for the success of AI systems that cannot be relied upon for critical decision-making. Human intervention to cross check the outcome, vigilance for improper text, and alertness for unexpected repercussions, businesses can reduce inherent biases. No substitute for human intervention state salesforce partners
  4. A noticeable challenge that companies face is knowledge gaps on defining & gauging responsible use of Artificial Intelligence. Pointers such as algorithmic fairness cannot be gauged via legacy metrics. Besides, the definition of terminology modifies as per vertical & business. To build an unbiased model, companies must curate systems & platforms that are reliable, fair, and explainable by design state salesforce partners.

Tags : Salesforce Consulting
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