
codleo consulting


Oct 11, 2022 07:48 AM

Are you aware that one of the most common / popular form of marketing is via emails? It is also very effective hence its popularity. For every USD 1 spent on it, the return is as much as USD 38 as per DMA National Client Email Report 2015. Research has shown that it is more effective as compared to social media marketing. Some small and medium sized businesses may disagree with these findings based on their personal experience. They may not be getting the minimum ROI on their investment. This is probably because they are making certain mistakes vis-à-vis their email marketing technique. Let’s see what these errors are. 

The common SMB email marketing errors include: 

  • Email subject lines errors. Witty or clever text needs to be avoided. Its not well received. Plus, summarising the email content also doesn’t inspire people to open the emails. The subject line should evoke curiosity in the reader. This can be via posting questions, surprising people, and hint that the email has information that the reader doesn’t or can benefit from. Know more about Salesforce services. 

  • Preheader text is missing or ineffectual. For those who are not familiar with this word, Preheader text is the brief text that is present after the subject line. It appears like a second email subject line or a subhead. If the preheader is not specially written, maximum email platforms use text of the email that is in the beginning. It can also backfire as the platform can display text as view in browser” or “unsubscribe.” Spend time on preheader text and email open rates go up. 

  • Be consistent in your email strategy. Sending emails occasionally does not pay dividends. Be regular. It could be weekly or fortnightly. Don’t send emails only when you have something new or exciting to share. Email schedule strategy ensures that you remain on the mind of your audience reveal Salesforce services providers

  • Emails are not being tested before being dispatched say Salesforce services providers. In many email platforms, one can conduct an A/B test just by adding a 2nd subject line and clicking a few buttons. If the idea is to get more eyeballs, its time to do testing. 

  • Email automation is not being used say Salesforce service firms. Automated email campaigns for 20% of email marketing revenue. They can be used to send emails at the right time to the right people.   Email automation can be used to welcome new clients, when they make a new purchase as well as when they exhibit signs of making a purchase. Salesforce services are ideal for email automation. 

  • Confusing content and design. The mantra is “ keep it simple and clear, my friend”. People spend very little time on reading emails etc, therefore your message needs to be clear & crisp. Each email should focus on one single theme / idea say Salesforce services companies.  

For more detailed information on Salesforce services, get in touch with Codleo Salesforce services. 

Tags : Business
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